Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Hello, Void. Gawd, how I’ve missed you. Yes, 2021, and nearing the end of the year. It has been a while, certainly.

A lot has happened since, as you can imagine. Biggest change is the pandemic and all the lockdowns that happened. Close to 2 years since it hit and we’ve been doing homeschool and work-from-home. We brought our daughter to the pool in our village just a couple of days ago and I swear, she struggled in the water for a bit. It’s like she forgot how to swim. My heart broke a little. Of course by the time we left, she got her mermaid groove back and recalled the basics. But man, for someone to forget something like that, it’s unsettling.

I’m also into the whole wellness thing now. Yeah, yeah, you’re laughing, I know. I live breathe sleep essential oils. I workout at least twice a week. Back in September I worked out every single day, can you believe it? I still couldn’t. Haha but yeah, got through that alive. Barely. 

I’ve made new friends, rekindled old friendships, lost some too. As we get older we realize that handful of people who are really worth your time. The rest are just really good at time-suckage and yeah, we gotta let those ones go. Life's too short, and all that.

What else. Well, I guess that’s the last 3 years in a nutshell. You’ll be seeing more of me, I hope that’s ok. Like you have a choice. Pester you more later, Void. 

xxoo Fritz

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