Gong Xi Fa Cai (Happy Lunar New Year)!
The past month was...gosh, I laugh now but it was just...I actually have no one word to describe it.
The first week my family and I fell ill to the virus. The husband first, then me 2 days later, then our daughter 2 days after me. I missed so much work (hated that part; I hate missing out on stuff) and had to miss a lot of meetings. Thank goodness for my team who stepped up and kept things running. Our puppy missed her vet appointment (because her furparetns were useless) so she has to go through a new round of shots now. Ugh. That's just the main things. Don't worry, I'll spare you the little ones, Void.
Now all that's over. Thank God. I'm still not at 100% health-wise but I'm just grateful to be alive. Grateful that my family is ok now. Soldiering on.
That makes Feb 1st the first official day of my new year. lol Day one. Today. Boom. Why not, right. Fresh start. Do it all over again. Keep on swimming. Great! Let's do this, Void.
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